The Skills Gap: What your Company Needs to Survive and Thrive in Today’s Market


The Skills Gap: What your Company Needs to Survive and Thrive in Today’s Market

The dynamic reality we live and work in requires HR professionals to develop new skills if they want to contribute to their organization’s goals and help their businesses thrive. Unfortunately, there are no quick solutions. The reality is that several factors are working against us in the need for greater numbers of talented workers.

Discussion points

  • Understanding how to combat skills gaps whilst retaining your current workforce

  • Ensuring your workforce prioritises reskilling, upskilling, and growing the current workforce from within

  • How to align your skills’ agenda with your business strategy


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HR Meta-Trends in 2023: Defined by the Employee Experience

Learn how your HR team can transform employee experiences to:

  • Win the race for skills while making flexible work, work

  • Purposefully adopt emerging technologies to mobilize the workforce for the future

  • Prepare people leaders and embrace the complexities of a diverse, equitable, and inclusive workforce

  • Embed holistic well-being everywhere

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