How to Position HR at the Forefront of the AI Wave Using a Skills-Centric Approach


How to Position HR at the Forefront of the AI Wave Using a Skills-Centric Approach

Led by Wendy Murphy, EMEA Director Global Clients LinkedIn Talent Solutions

Discussion Highlights

  • Projected Skill Evolution: Based on the LinkedIn Economic Graph (2023), anticipate a significant shift with job skills expected to change by at least 65% by 2013, largely influenced by rapid AI developments

  • HR's Leadership Role: Understand the central position of HR professionals in this transformative era, as they stand at the forefront of these changes, guiding organisations through uncharted territories

  • Rehumanising Resources: Discover how leading organisations are taking a skills-first approach, emphasising the importance of putting the human touch back into human resources amidst the technological surge

HR Innovation Roundtables