How Technology is Revolutionising the Way People Work and Interact?


Panel discussion 3/3


  • Covid has pushed companies over the technology tipping point and accelerated digital adoption by as much as 3-4 years. How have you used technology in your organisation as a force for good during this new normal?

  • How are modern technologies scaling to meet workers' mental health needs?

  • How are you growing the capability of your HR organisation to be more data-driven?

  • How can technology meet the growing demand for retraining and reskilling?

  • How is technology empowering the workforce to take autonomous control and shift the balance in power from employer choice to employee choice?

  • What are some really cool, futuristic ways that Digital, Robotics, AI, Machine Learning, Blockchain, Machine Learning may show up in HR in the next 10 years?

  • Where do you see the data-driven HR function heading? Will HR be replaced altogether?


Emily He, Senior Vice President Human Capital Management Cloud Business Group at Oracle
Dan Schawbel, Managing Partner at Workplace Intelligence LLC and The New York Times Best Selling Author
Manisha Singh, Vice President Employee Experience, Analytics & Digital HR at AstraZeneca

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Thanks to our friends at Oracle for partnering with us for FutureWork21