How Effective Recognition can Strengthen and Support Employee Financial Wellbeing


How Effective Recognition can Strengthen and Support Employee Financial Wellbeing

The cost-of-living crisis is having an enormous impact on employees, with roughly 13 million worker days lost in the UK last year as a result of workers taking time off due to low financial wellbeing, per the CEBR. Given the proven connection between wellness and positive business impacts, business and HR leaders need to ensure wellbeing is a prominent part of their overall people strategy and business plans.

Employee recognition is a powerful way for organisations to demonstrate that they care about their people. Recent Gallup-Workhuman research shows that employees who receive frequent recognition from their manager or supervisor are nearly three times as likely to strongly agree their organisation cares about their overall wellbeing.

Discussion points

  • How recognition programmes can be supportive of employee financial wellness in times of societal stress

  • Understanding the link between effective recognition and enhanced employee wellbeing and engagement

  • The five key elements of impactful recognition

  • Calculating the ROI of employee recognition and understanding how the cost of disengagement could be detrimental to your business


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Thanks to Workhuman for partnering with us to bring you this content

In workplaces globally, one of the most effective and affordable wellbeing strategies is woefully untapped: employee recognition. Recognition does more than fuel employee wellbeing: It promotes a more positive outlook and mitigates burnout.

In fact, recognition can spark cultural transformation and help workplaces achieve exceptional performance while improving employees’ lives. Keep reading to learn more from the latest Workhuman-Gallup report. 

Download the report below for and learn how to Amplify Wellbeing at Work and Beyond Through the Power of Recognition.


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